BCD to Seven-Segment Decoder Program in VHDL

This decoder takes as its input four bits that represent a binary coded (BCD) value and generates a 7-bit output to drive a seven-segment LED.

Each segment is a small LED, which glows when driven by an electrical signal. The segments are labelled from a to g as shown in the figure below:

bcd to seven segment decoder


bcd to seven segment decoder

Truth Table of BCD to Seven Segment Decoder
Fig: Truth Table of BCD to Seven Segment Decoder

VHDL Program for BCD to Seven Segment Decoder:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

entity seg7 is
  port (bcd : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); 
     leds : out std_logic_vector(1 to 7)); 
end seg7;

architecture behaviour of seg7 is 
  process (bcd)
    case bcd is	 			
      when “0000” => leds <= “1111110”; 
      when “0001” => leds <= “0110000”; 
      when “0010” => leds <= “1101101”; 
      when “0011” => leds <= “1111001”; 
      when “0100” => leds <= “0110011”; 
      when “0101” => leds <= “1011011”; 
      when “0110” => leds <= “1011111”; 
      when “0111” => leds <= “1110000”; 
      when “1000” => leds <= “1111111”; 
      when “1001” => leds <= “1110011”; 
      when others => leds <= “-------”; 
    end case; 
  end process; 
end behaviour;

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